Tag Archives: travelling to Dubai

Camping in Dubai can be a spectacular experience

You may have heard a lot about shopping and shopping malls in Dubai, but if you wish to have an experience that is unique and not quite associated with the glitz of Dubai, then you should definitely try camping. Not a lot of people are aware, but Dubai has fantastic spots for camping and there are several agencies that organize fun and exciting camping trips out in the deserts of the UAE. So if you haven’t already tried it, go in for camping in Dubai and have an experience that is sure to leave you refreshed.

Camping in Dubai

For an exciting and fun camping trip, make sure that you are well equipped. The first thing to consider is of course the season. Summers are out of the question since the temperatures are extreme high and the terrains become harsh, so camping then will not be enjoyable. Make sure you are travelling to Dubai in the winter months to take advantage of all the camping activities and options that the city has to offer. In the winter months, the temperature is pleasant thereby making the camping experience one to remember fondly.

When headed out for camping, make sure that you take professional guidance so that you are well protected and can be stress-free during the entire trip. Camping in Dubai should be an enjoyable experience where you need not worry about anything. So professional companies that are experts in equipping you with all the information and all the tools necessary for a great trip are really helpful. They also help you plan the trip right to every small detail so that all you need to do is show up and enjoy the trip. With several years of experience, these planning companies are equipped to handle all kinds of situations and provide a truly well supported trip for you and your loved ones.

Camping in Dubai

You can have an overnight camping trip or can stay a couple of days depending on your preferences. You will be advised to either invest in tents and sleeping bags or carry rented ones depending on how many times you like to go camping. If it is a once in a lifetime trip then it is better to go for rented equipment. However, if you love camping and want to make it a regular thing, then you should invest in good quality apparatus. Thus, while traveling to Dubai you must keep in mind that you can also go for fun nights of camping along with enjoying the nightlife and the shopping.

Contact a renowned company to help you plan your trip and experience truly unique camping in Dubai’s deserts. Have a truly spectacular night under the stars as you get away from civilization and experience the beauty and serenity of nature. And since you have gone through reputed organizers, there is no tension of you breaking any rules so all you need to do is enjoy yourself and let the company handle the rest. Take back memories of the unique desert camping in Dubai.

Traveling to Dubai – Tips to the know-hows of travel at Dubai

Everyone needs a vacation once in a year. Taking time off from your work schedule won’t harm you. It would simply help revive family relations, spend more time with them, and also, have some time completely to oneself to relax. For a vacation, it is very important to choose the right place where there is a serene relaxing atmosphere and a lot of new things to discover. For this purpose, Dubai is one of the best places to visit. It is one of the member states of the UAE and offers its residents and tourists, serenity as well as liveliness. Traveling to Dubai is also not a strenuous task thus making it a perfect place to holiday at.

Travelling to Dubai

As an expat, one needs to know each and every detail related to this city. Dubai follows customs and traditions religiously. Before, renting a house or permanently shifting to Dubai, why not tour the city to know about it. There are a lot many things to do in Dubai from Dubai Souk to Dubai Mall. This city is vastly divided into two major streams, basically, the modern and the basic. Modern refers to all the extravaganza and hotspots that you can feast your eyes on. Basic refers to having a different view of the city from the life of people living in high streets and village.

Things to do in Dubai

Dubai is considered to be a popular hot spot for tourists for its highest contribution to the world of innovation, yet it has a docile and submissive living at the other end. If you are well prepared and ready to be an expatriate in Dubai, then go ahead a healthy pioneering life awaits you! But, before travelling to Dubai make sure that you have taken all the necessary equipments along with you. With the hottest weather all round the year, it is important that one carries sun screen, straw hats and enough dressing to cover up. It is quite common people in Dubai turn out to be Helio -phobic due to the scorching heat of the sun, but you can surely beat the heat with simple basic aid.

Now that you are on a vacation, sight – seeing doesn’t end. Try indulging in sports that are held at Dubai. If you are golfer or simply interested minutely in the game, then try your hand on it. There is a huge stack of things to do in Dubai. If you are adventurous enough, then you will enjoy your stay here. Para-gliding, hot air balloon rides and desert safaris are some activities that are bound to keep you interested and happy as you leap from one thing to the next. Indulge in a wide variety of food there is on offer. Authentic Arabic cuisine comes loaded with yogurt in different flavours, the wraps drenched in Tahini sauce, and the deserts rich with dry fruit.

Being an innovation – oriented city, Dubai has a lot to offer to its tourists. Travelling to Dubai can be fun and once you are at it, do not miss out on shopping in the Gold and Spice Markets of Dubai. Make some time for a tranquil dinner at the Dubai Creek overlooking the magnificent Dubai Skyline.

Traveling in Dubai made easier with the help of travel agencies in Dubai

Everyone needs to go out on a vacation at least once in a year. That time off from the hectic work schedule helps one to revive family relations, spend more time with them and also, have some time completely to oneself to relax. So that break is surely a much awaited one. For a vacation, it is very important to choose a right place where there is a serene relaxing atmosphere and a lot of new things to discover. For this purpose, Dubai is one of the best places to visit. It is one of the member states of the UAE and offers its residents and tourist, serenity as well as liveliness. Traveling to Dubai is also not a strenuous task thus making it a perfect place to vacate at. Being a Muslim country one must follow the rules and regulations since they are of utmost importance to the residents

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Before travelling to Dubai, one must make sure that:

  • They have converted their respective currency to the UAE currency known as dirham
  • They have inquired about all health care requirements and carried medicines that would not be available there and are needed by them
  • Read about the customs of Dubai since it is a strongly traditional state
  • Made sure the visa and other criteria are met before traveling to Dubai

There are a lot of things that a tourist in Dubai must know about the state since it falls under the Sharia law which has a lot of traditions and restrictions that need to be kept in mind. Alcohol in Dubai is permitted to only those who are of years of age or more. Being drunk in Dubai is not legal. Similarly public display of affection is against the rules of UAE. Even clicking photographs of people, particularly women, without permission is illegal and can lead to arrest or fines. These are some of the points one must keep in mind before travelling to Dubai


The reason of vacating in a new place is to explore new places and experience the scenes, views and services that are not otherwise available in one’s day to day living. Dubai has a lot to offer to its visitors and the best of services for them to visit specific tourist spots. Travelling from Dubai is made easy with the travel agencies in Dubai. Interstate travelling is a pleasure and surprisingly not a hectic job that tires oneself which travelling usually does. This is solely because of the services theagenciesoffer. Travelling is made so much easy and without any chaos or confusions due to the planning and efficiency of the Dubai travelling agencies

Travel agencies in Dubai offer:

  • Packages that can be customised as per one’s needs and desire
  • They provide a complete range of travel services such as air tickets, hotels, travel insurance, car rentals, tour packages, cruises and many other value added services.
  • Travel agencies in Dubaiare one of the most quickest services and are affordable at the same time.

Things you should know while traveling to Dubai

While travelling to Dubai, like you have heard, it’s all about grandeur and luxury and great experiences and I have no doubt that a traveler to Dubai doesn’t get all of that. However, like in any other place that you visit, there are some normal codes and conduct one needs to know and follow in order to be loved and welcomed by the locals in their very own city.

Burj Khalifa

Things to keep in mind while traveling to Dubai:

  1. Consider your clothing:

There are local rules and customs in Dubai as to what individuals are supposed to wear. Those who live and visit Dubai are expected to wear clothing that is decent and not too revealing. It’s not that you are expected to be covered from head to toe but wear clothing covering bellies and legs. Avoid hot pants, short skirts or super low waist jeans and you will be good to go. T-shirts that carry offensive slogans or pictures should also be avoided. Similarly, swimwear should only be worn at the beach or swimming pool, keeping in mind that nudity is utterly banned across the emirate.

2. The PDA is not appreciated

In Dubai, Public Display of Affection is not taken in positive light and it is best to keep it in check while travelling in public places, forums, transport etc.  Authorities will only take notice if you engage in activities that are deemed offensive to their culture, such as kissing or extreme displays in public.

3. Respect the Religion

Dubai is a Muslim State and speaking ill about it will not be appreciated at all. Besides, it is just normal courtesy to give respect to the place and religion of the place that you have decided to visit.

4. Street Behavior

While sightseeing, walking around, eating at restaurants or shopping, always be considerate and polite of the situations around you. Speak in normal tone with respect and dignity, speak in English so that language isn’t a big barrier for you or them, do not insult or abuse by hand or by the means of hand gestures either.

5. Photography

While traveling to Dubai, it must be noticed that Photography is okay in certain locations whereas refrained from in some. Such locations are usually markets, museums and places of religious significance. Avoid photographing at such places, while photographic people, always take permission first.

6 Alcohol and Clubs in Dubai:

Dubai has a lot of clubs to offer its visitors. However, it should be noted that most Muslims do not consume alcohol and it will be available at selective places only. Some important things to know would be that drinking and driving is a punishable offense, so is drinking and indulging in inappropriate behavior. There are many clubs in Dubai, they and the restaurant bars offer alcohol to people who are above twenty one years of age. Another thing to keep in mind would be that alcohol is not allowed to be taken on beaches and in places that do not sell alcohol either.